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and it has happened...

A wonderful evening of charm & chatter at yesterday's pop up launch of Autumn Collection '17 in my home town of Stellenbosch.

During the last assembling of boxes(tricky stuff), steaming and wanting pure impossible perfection of packaging, a cloud of self doubt did hover over me.

Hubby's bakkie/van filled to the brim with wine, vines, posters and precious parcels, we arrived at Hazz Coffee Shop to unload & set up for an intimate crowd of just over 30 guests.

What giggles and great delight with my first sale soon after the first de Trafford Chenin '16 sips. Both artist and new owner were beaming, their wide smiles warming up a cold wintery sunset.

Lots of natter and eco-print explaining as friends arrived and sales of scarves continued - #awesomefeeling #hardsayinggoodbyetothem - and banishing the self doubt cloud to Strand & beyond!

Big thanks to Hazz for the lovely space to show off in, and a bigger thanks to Marisa for her attentiveness and perfect coffees.

I cannot not say thank you to my very patient family. Our home is still quite upside down with paperwork, material and many bits and bobs overflowing in almost every other room.

And as for Xenia, website maker extraordinaire, my thank yous will never be enough. One has to agree the website is gentle and beautiful - as is her 2 month old baby boy that I got to hold and cuddle lots.

Well hoping the thank yous did not bore all, but the appreciation is huge to the support and encouragement received during the last few months of a mindful & creative journey.

Keep warm, keep cosy & shop online!

'Til the next few lines and winter happenings

Rita xx

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